(740) 852-5824

We Believe in Quality

Straight From The Hart Farm

Our family farm has raised quality hogs for over 50 years, and unlike those large foreign-owned factory farms you’ll find throughout our nation, Billy’s Bacon & Brats is involved in every stage of the process, so you know every cut of our delicious meats can be truly called, Farm-to-Table!

We breed our females to sires that are specifically known for their meat quality. Through daily care each female is monitored throughout pregnancy all the way to farrowing.
Once piglets are weaned, we begin a balanced diet of corn, soybean meal, vitamins, and minerals. All of our pigs are sheltered with constant care, full feed, and ample water.

New customers sometimes ask, “Do you feed steroids or antibiotics to your pigs?” We never give steroids to our pigs, however if one of our animals gets sick it is necessary to treat it with antibiotics. If that is the case, it is all done under the watch & direction of our veterinarian, and every protocol is followed to ensure the animal has cleared all antibiotics before entering the food chain.

The most asked question is, “Are your pigs happy?” Well, from the way they interact with us and visitors to our farm, the simple answer is YES! Seeing our hogs healthy & thriving brings us great joy and we want to share it with you. That’s why we invite you to stop by to pick up some Billy’s Bacon & Brats products. We’re certain you’ll be happy too!

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